Springboard: A Performer's Perspective

‘A night where unlikely things happen and aspirations rise…’

Bity Booker Springboard 1.jpg

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came along to the very first Springboard. Our resident blogger Zoe was one of the wonderful performers who made it such a huge success. Here’s her roundup of the evening…


Something special happened last Thursday.  It felt like when you buy the perfect Christmas present for that loved one in March and squirrel it away in anticipation of the future joy it will bring. Or perhaps I’m still a little merry from the fairy lights that were starting to creep across dark and drizzly Brixton. Either way, thanks to Mainspring Arts the inaugural Springboard took place. A new evening, curated with warmth and encouragement, it exists to provide neurodivergent performers the opportunity to meet and share their work.   

For its launch, Mainspring took over the glorious, golden arch that is 504 Ridgway Road.  A relatively new arts venue, Arch 504 was the perfect size and fit for those gathered. The line-up was packed and punched hard: grotesquely funny comedy, thought-provoking performance, poetry, live music, a literary reading and some first night nerves from me. 


The evening provided established performers with a chance to perform in the friendliest space and relative newcomers the golden opportunity of performing in a supportive environment in which wallflowers flourish and eye contact is strictly optional. 

I want to bang the drum loudly for both Mainspring and this night as I know there are many people of many ages who need to feel the way I felt on Thursday night – that is, the freedom of not fearing a social occasion and the chance to showcase your passion or your talent without fear of disingenuous or double-edged feedback. I believe this night will grow, and althought time will tell if it becomes the night that launches careers, it will definitely be the night where unlikely things happen and aspirations rise.


The next Springboard will be on Thurs 28 March, and we’re looking for performers! Find out more and apply here.